In Jeopardy
Scene Sample

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CAST: The Host, Vanna Blight, Green Baron & Baroness, Pugsley Picklebottom, Bobby Woofter, The Commercial Announcer, The Commercial Players

THE SET: The stage is designed to be reminiscent of the television show. Instead of podiums there are chairs with straps on them. There is a set of royal chairs upstage for the Baron & Baroness. Downstage of that there is a podium from which the host conducts the show.

AT RISE: The host (Romeo) enters with Vanna Blight on his arm.

Host     Greetings, greetings! Welcome, fairgoers and residents of Hillshire Village, to a competition brought to thee by the great and powerful, the dangerous and dastardly—

Vanna     —The debonair and daring—

Host     The rightful rulers of Hillshire and all things else, the Baron &

Baroness Steele! All rise and pay tribute to their magnificence.

The nobles take the stage amidst a smattering of boos, which the

host attempts to turn into applause.

Baroness     They like not the way that thou dost deliver thine introduction,

Romeo      Obviously they do know that thou didst, of course, fail to

truly catalog the traits that make up our Steele strengths.

Fortunately for thee, today we are feeling merciful, are we not,


Baron     What? Oh, aye!

Baroness     Do try to stay awake, my little pincushion. We were discussing

whether or not to have yonder host boiled in oil for his inadequate

description of our radiance.

Baron     Whatever thou dost think best, my pet.

Baroness     Twould make for a short game. We spare thee, host.

Host     I thank thee. Shouldst inform ye, viewers, of what is about to unfold before thee. Our three contestants will be competing in their knowledge of trivia for a. . . magnificent prize, kindly provided by the Baron & Baroness Steele. The winner shall be rewarded with a lifetime’s supply of rutabaga. Wonderful.

Baroness     Thou dost sound less than pleased with the reward with which we

have furnished thee, host. Any complaints?

Host     Nay, dangerous diva, twas just contemplating what would constitute

a "lifetime’s supply" of rutabaga.

Baroness     Enough that if it were to cover thy body it would be the end of thy


Host     Oh. Just thought I wouldst ask. Before we meet our competitors,

we needs must take a break to acknowledge one of our sponsors.

Baroness     What? What be this?

The commercial players move out in front of the set.

Announcer     Art thou bothered by occasional chest colds?

One of the actors coughs.

Insomnia doth have thee in a bind?

Someone sleeps fitfully on the edge of the stage.

Lost a limb to leprosy?

A leper hops in.

Announcer Canst not stand the pain, but canst not stand to go to the

physician? Be this thee? In that case, what thou dost need is Uncle Vlady’s Home Bleeding Kit! That’s right, all the benefits of a good, doctor administered bleeding, right in the comfort of thine own home. Say good-bye to that nasty cough. . .

The coughing actor sneezes, blood flies out, they smile broadly,


Welcome a good night’s sleep. . .

The sleeping person is calm. Blood squirts from their arm, like a


And maybe even grow another limb!

The leper very excited, runs up to the announcer, bothering him.

So why delay? (to leper) Get away! Get Uncle Vlady’s Home

Bleeding Kit and welcome in a new era of good health. And if thou

dost order now, we shall throw in a six pack of blood-sucking

leeches, for those slight ailments and aggressively humorous

practical jokes.

Tableau of the first two bleeding. The announcer puts a leech on

the sleeping person. Chaos ensues and everyone gets off the


Baroness     Twas most disgusting, host. . . I approve.

Host     I am wondrous pleased that thou dost approve. And now, Vanna

Blight will bring out our first contestant. He doth hail from Hillshire

Village, but hath been disowned by the society of the town. To find

our next contestant, one wouldst need look up the hill at the yonder

Crooked Toad. Wouldst like thee all to meet Pugsley


Vanna binds him during the following.

Pugsley     Pickle-bottom!

Host     What?

Pugsley     Pickle-bottom! There be only one pickle in that bottom!

He pulls a pickle out of his pocket and takes a grotesque bite.

Vanna     Ewww. . .

Pugsley     Pray, speak silently. My temples doth throb, I didst over imbibe.

Where am I?

Vanna     Thou art a contestant on Jeopardy, worm!

Pugsley     Didst play "Jeopardy-worm" as a child; twill be cake, fair maiden.

Say, what art thou doing after we do play "jeopardy worm?"

Vanna     Pig.

Host     Moving along from this disgusting drunkard—

Pugsley     Hi!

Host     If thou wouldst bring out our other contestant, Vanna Blight.

Vanna     With pleasure.

Host     Thank thee. Our next contestant is a first cousin twice removed—

Baroness     Second cousin once removed!

Host     Sorry. Second uncle—

Baroness     Cousin!

Host     Who be but a hop, skip, and jump removed from the family proper.

Vanna brings in a well-dressed green court youth, who is


Bobby     Touch me not, wanton, thou shalt not put those binds on me!

Host     But tis the rules—

Baroness     Host, remember my place. I am a Baroness. I do make the rules

that thou dost enforce. He is of noble blood, and shall not be


Host     Yes, dread mistress

Bobby     Bring me a pillow! And a glass of water.

Vanna     Why, insolent little—of course. . .

Host     Well, now that we hath met our contestants, let us again break for a

word from our sponsors.

Baroness     Another?

Enter the commercial group.

Announcer     Art thou tired of being picked upon by thy neighbor the butcher?

A butcher picks on a woman.

Hath heard one folksinger too many?

Someone sings "If I had a Hammer" (or something equivalent) right

at the woman. She runs to the announcer for support.

Poked in the eye by the announcer?

He pokes her in the eye. She falls to her knees.

Woman     Whatever shall I do?

Announcer     When you find thyself in this kind of bind, thou shouldst do what I

always do— whip out The Club. The Clubã be fully warranted

when thou dost purchase it for one year or sixty-thousand whacks,

whichever cometh first. With The Club at thy side, thou may’st

smite that butcher. . .

The woman chases the butcher away with her new-found mace.

Silence any folk singer. . .

Singer "If I had a—"

He stops when the woman whacks him.

Announcer And poke that announcer right back in the. . .

The announcer and the woman share a moment of menace.

Oh. Wait one second. (to audience) The Club, it really packs a

wallop. Now available in many designer colors.

Producers and other people interested in obtaining
full copies of this script are completely insane!
If you really want to do this, let the playwright know
because he likes to know these things.
(He'll probably make fun of you)

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